

The Longmont Baseball League trains umpires for league play and beyond. We are looking for new umpires that are at least 13 years old or current umpires that are looking to add games in northern Colorado. 

Classes will start in January and be 1x a month in January, February and March. Beginning umpires and umpires new to the LBL must attend classes and pass a scrimmage before they are qualified to work. 

The Spring/Summer season will run April-July with the majority of the games being played Monday-Thursday nights at 5:30 and 7:30pm. If you are interested please reach out to me and I’ll give you more details on things! 

Interested in Umpiring?

Jacob Phillips




1. Age Requirements: Umpires must be 13 years or older. Officials may not work games of players their same age. The LBL keep a 3 year age gap between umpires and the kids playing.

2. Umpire Registration Requirements: All umpires will be paid by Direct Deposit only. The DD form must be completed and returned to the LBL before any payments can be made. All umpires are required to complete and return a W9 form to the LBL before any payments are made

3. Assignments: All assignments will be assigned through the LBL's Horizon Web Ref. account. login information will be emailed to the umpire. It is the umpire's responsibility to keep their account updated on information such as addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. failure to do so may result in delayed payments or missed game assignments. Umpires will be scheduled for games based on their level of their experience, ability, and availability. The more available dates an official has, the more games he or she is likely to receive. Umpires are required to submit their availability on their Horizon accounts, and to keep their on-line availability calendar updated at all times throughout the season. Should any official be scheduled for a game shown on their availability schedule as open, the official shall be responsible for working that game or finding a suitable replacement with approval of the umpire assigner.

4. Independent Contractors: Umpires are not employees of the Longmont Baseball League. The LBL does not offer any form of insurance to its umpire members, and is not responsible, for payment of any costs related to any injury or illness incurred as a result of traveling to or from, or umpiring in any athletic contest assigned by the LBL. Independent contractors are also not eligible for workers compensation.

  1. Independent Contractor Tax Responsibilities: Umpires are responsible for any and/or all tax liabilities resulting from payment of game fees. If umpires are paid over $600 in the course of the year umpires will receive a 1099 from the LBL the following January.

7. Umpire Training: All new umpires are required to attend the LBL umpire training. If umpires have prior experience a waiver for not attending will be made on a case by case basis.

8. Umpire Pay

Level 4 - - New umpires - 9-10 recreational games until further evaluated

Level 3 - - Normally will officiate Recreational and AA ball 12 and under

Level 2 - - Normally will officiate Recreational, AA and AAA ball 13 and under and tournaments

Level 1 - - Can officiate any LBL level and all LBL tournaments

9. Umpire Equipment: All umpires are required to purchase their own equipment. New and used equipment is available at your local Play It Again Sports store. Pants must be dark grey charcoal in color and shin guards must fit under the pants. Plate shoes are not required for rookie umpires but are always encouraged when working older division games.

-List of Equipment: Shin guards, chest protector, face mask, indicator(balls, strike outs), plate brush, black shoes, umpire pants.

10. Umpire Code of Ethics: All umpires must agree to the LBL code of ethics to umpire for the LBL.

11. Discipline Policy:

12. Uniform: All umpires must have a umpire uniform the standard shirt for the LBL is dark blue, dark grey charcoal slacks, black belt, dark shoes, dark socks, ball bag, indicator, shin guards (worn inside pants) chest protector, face mask,& dark blue umpiring hat. The umpire uniform must look professional, not faded or torn.

13. Inclement Weather: It is the responsibility of the umpire to determine the status of the days' games. Game cancellations will be posted on the LBL web site. Any umpire that shows up for a game that was posted as cancelled one hour or more prior to the scheduled start time the umpire will not be compensated. If inclement weather forces a game cancellation prior to the scheduled start of a game, but after umpires have arrived at the game site, such officials shall be compensated one-half the normal game fee. If the game is started in good faith and subsequently cancelled, the official shall be paid in full. LBL umpires have authority in determining when inclement weather shall cause a game to be suspended or cancelled. Officials should, however consult with coaches of the two teams prior to making such a decision and a phone call or text to Jacob Phillips to discuss the situation. Games shall be cancelled or suspended when the weather itself poses a danger to participants, or when the weather has caused field conditions to be unsafe or unfit for play. Umpires shall use good judgment when deciding to cancel a game. Game cancellations for other reasons shall be handled on a case by case basis, and resolution of such cancellations shall be fair and equitable to all parties concerned.

14. Direct Deposit Payments: Payments will be made every two weeks. Holidays, delays in funds transfers, incorrect direct deposit information or other unforeseen events may delay payments. Pay advances will not be made. Any dispute regarding the amount paid must be put in writing to the LBL.

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